Archived: 2015 Spring Event

Lost Creek Driving Directions Map
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Join North Central Conservancy Trust for a Spring Event on Saturday, May 30th at Lost Creek in Portage County. Lost Creek is a Wetland Mitigation Site currently owned and managed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. From 10:00 until 11:30 am Gerry Janz and Nancy Stevenson will lead an educational program on the birds present and the habitats they occupy at this unique site.

Gerry Janz has a biology degree from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point and is an active member of the Aldo Leopold chapter of the National Audubon Society serving as Vice President. He credits his knowledge from being “a student of birds and the world around me” for most of his life. Gerry and Nancy teach a course at the Clearing Folk School about bird identification and behavior.

Nancy Stevenson is a naturalist and former licensed bird bander. She is the former Director of Children’s Programs and Summer Naturalist at Jordan Park Nature Center in Stevens Point. Nancy conducts birding workshops and has taught Elderhostel classes in birding and nature study.

Join fellow NCCT members, learn something new, and enjoy a beautiful day outside!


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