With heavy hearts, NCCT announces the passing of two of our founders, Dr. Joe Freeman in June and his wife Mary Clare Freeman in November.

It is with heavy hearts that NCCT announces the passing of two of our organization’s founders. Dr. David “Joe” Freeman passed in June and his wife Mary Clare Freeman passed in November. We offer our sincere sympathy to the Freeman children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Twenty-six years ago, Joe and his wife Mary Clare had the vision to preserve lands in the Marathon County area for the future enjoyment of generations to come.

NCCT was founded in 1994 when the city of Wausau proposed construction of a sewer line across an undeveloped parcel of land that was owned by the Freemans. Mary Clare and Joe loved their land and did not want to see the woodland severely compromised by the construction project. They were supported in their effort to oppose the construction by a neighbor, Jane Raymond-Wood, who contacted the Nature Conservancy for advice. They suggested a conservation easement, which the Freemans pursued. Needing an organization to hold the easement, the Freemans and Raymond-Wood recruited others who also were interested in protecting greenspace and natural areas near Wausau, and NCCT was officially established as a non-profit organization. A few years later, the Wausau group joined forces with a similar group in Stevens Point, and the organization expanded.

This legacy, under the oversight of NCCT, now extends to 53 protected properties over more than 4,400 acres in 8 counties throughout Central Wisconsin.

North Central Conservancy Trust extends its sincerest condolences on the loss of these extraordinary people. The Freemans were such a gift to our organization, and they will forever live on through our work. In honor of Joe and Mary Clare Freeman, a local artist has painted a mural called “The Freeman Legacy Tree,” at NCCT’s new office in Stevens Point.

To view the full obituary for Joe Freeman please click here.

To view the full obituary for Mary Clare Freeman please click here.

In Lieu of flowers or other gifts, the Freeman family wishes you to please send donations to the DJ and Mary Clare Freeman Fund at the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin.

Front row, l-r: D.J. and Mary Clare Freeman, Linda Grilley Back row, l-r: Greg Freeman, Anna Grilley, and Ron Grilley

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